

綜合知識 閲讀(1.96W)
1. 【如何寫好高中英語作文

我的情況跟你很像,我也是高三的. 25分的作文能拿十幾分,我覺得你應該是用到了一定的高中語法和句式,但也許不夠複雜.多使用複雜的文法會成為高考英文寫作之得分亮點. 最關鍵一點是行文邏輯連貫,就是句子句子之間,段落段落之間的連貫,這要使用一定的銜接技巧,想做到這一點,説實話,有一點難度,但一旦做到了,21分以上沒問題,我們老師説的.我寫作一般也是18,19分,文法也比較複雜,錯誤不多,但我老師經常説我的行文略顯鬆散,所以分數一直不高.當然, 我也建議你在讀任何文章的時候注意把握文章的主題脈絡和思維邏輯的變換,並且在這方面多跟老師交流. 你可以不用背範文, 但我覺得你最好還是記住一些行文銜接句式, 這個你們老師應該會講到的. 希望這些能幫到你,很高興為你解答.。

2. 關於成績的英語作文

Dear John,Things are fine here. I finished my mid-term exams last week, and I got my report card today. My math teacher said I was hard-working. I am happy to hear that. My Chinese teacher said I was good at writing and my English teacher told me that I did well in listening. As for my physics, I had a really hard time with it this semester. But my physics teacher said I could do better. I agree.What about you? Write to me soon.Yours,Mike。